沈鎮南是臺灣糖業公司第一任總經理,臺灣光復後,奉經濟部資源委員會之命,來臺灣接收日本統治時期留下的糖業。在他的主持領導下,兩年內將殘破不堪的35個糖廠全部重建修復,產糖量從8萬公噸,增加到63萬公噸,使臺灣糖業得以復興,奠定日後興盛的基礎,進而帶動臺灣經濟的發展。未料民國39年6月中,他因通匪叛亂嫌疑被逮捕,判以「資匪未遂」的罪名,於40年1月11日被槍決。本文根據國防部和臺灣省保安司令部的檔案,從判決書中分析反證其罪名與事實完全不符;並從臺糖公司檔案中所謂密報者自承當年行為錯誤的信函,證實這是一樁由上而下羅織莫須有罪名而成的冤案。沈鎮南成為戒嚴時期國共鬥爭下白色恐怖政治的犧牲者,在時代的悲劇下,令人感慨歷史的荒謬與無常。幸而行政院「財團法人戒嚴時期不當叛亂暨匪諜審判案件補償基金會」根據本文資料,於91年7月通過予以補償,恢復名譽,這件冤案終於得以平反,沈鎮南五十年來的冤情使得以昭雪,歷史也還給沈冤者清白與公道。 Shen Chen-Nan was the first president of the Taiwan Sugar Company in 1946. He was appointed to Taiwan to take over all the Japanese sugar companies by the National Resource Committee of the Ministry of Economy in 1945. He was a capable leader and had reconstructed all the 35 factories in two years and increased the production of sugar from 80,000 tons to 630,000 tons, thus directly reviving the sugar business on the island, and indirectly laying a solid foundation for the development of economy for the future. However, in Jun 1950, he was suspected of collaborating with the Communists, arrested as a “traitor,” and executed in January 1951 finally. Based on the files and archives in Ministry of National Defense and Public Security Headquarters of Taiwan, this paper tries to argue that Shen's charge was totally wrong. A confession letter written by the informant, a worker in the sugar company, later admitted that he had done the wrong thing. In fact, the case was a grievance and tragedy deliberately arranged from the top during the “white terror period,” and Mr. Shen was an innocent victim in the battle between the Nationalist government and the Communists. Shen's reputation was recovered and was compensated in July 2002 at the request of the Juridical Foundation for the Compensation of the Wrongly Charged People during the Martial Law Period. History has finally clarified charge and paid him due justice.